Released in October of 2023, A WHISPER FROM OBLIVION, the follow-up and second installment of Declan O'Rourke's epic three-part Great Famine saga, reached #6 in Ireland's National Hardback Fiction Bestsellers chart.
'A harrowing and powerful story, told with passion and love - there's music in every line.' ~ DONAL RYAN
1847. Macroom, County Cork.
After the landslide of their descent through 1846, Padraig and Cait Ua Buachalla awaken to a new year fraught with the worst of weather, worse luck and a new level of problems to compound their desperate struggle to survive. At the heart of town, Paulellen Creed struggles to maintain her dignity and keep the shop running in the absence of her husband, the pawnbroker. Around them all, depending on who they look to, the community appears to be either imploding or carrying on as usual.
Follow this heart-wrenching story of tragedy and human beauty entwined as through the voices of Macroom in 1847, we hear a whisper from oblivion, Declan O'Rourke's powerful new installment in this epic Great Famine saga.
About the author:
Declan O'Rourke, one of Ireland's best-loved songwriters, has been described by the New York Times as a writer of songs full of 'compassion, romance, a sense of mortality and a sense of history'. His award-winning album Chronicles of the Great Irish Famine illuminated an extraordinary series of eye-witness accounts, including the story of Padraig and Cait a Buachalla in the song 'Poor Boy's Shoes'. His iconic hit song 'Galileo' has been described by Paul Weller as the song from the past thirty years he most wished he'd written. The Pawnbroker's Reward, O'Rourke's first book was published to critical acclaim in 2021. His next book The Long Walk Home will complete the trilogy.
'Lucid, lovingly written and lyrical...faithfully captures the horrors of the early months of the Great Hunger' ~ PROFESSOR CHRISTINE KINEALY